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Little League

Wilsonville Little League

Welcome to Wilsonville Little League's Volunteer Central!

Welcome to Wilsonville Little League's Volunteer Central!

As a non-profit, parent-oriented volunteer organization, we, the committee, are excited about the upcoming season and are already planning the camps & events, securing fields, buying uniforms, coordinating teams & league games, and (most importantly) coaching all the players for the season. However, the committee can't do everything alone; we need your help!

Are you interested in volunteering this season? Whether you can volunteer a few hours every week or just an hour one time, we encourage you to sign up. Our volunteers are a positive influence in the lives of our children and we need your assistance in the areas listed below.

All volunteers must pass an annual background check whether volunteering all season or just a couple of hours. If you are interested in helping in any way, please complete follow the directions on the page linked below.

Volunteer Here

Thank you for helping Wilsonville Little League this year!


Head Coach:

Head Coaching is the most time intensive (yet rewarding) of our volunteer positions. Head Coaches are asked to commit to teaching and instructing the game of baseball, exhibiting all manners of good sportsmanship and fostering fun & fair competition. They are expected to prepare practice plans, instruct fundamentals of the game, evaluate player skills, and guide the development of their players. Head Coaches are expected to attend most games & practices, attend certain league-specified meetings, potentially attend try-outs, and attend certain trainings & interviews. Head Coaches are the first line of communication to parents and players from the league and to many they are the face of the league. Time commitment is ~ 8 - 12 hours of time per week, throughout the season.

Assistant Coach:

Assistant Coaching is similar to head coaching. This position is expected to step-in if a head coach is unable to attend a specified event. The assistant coaches are asked to commit to teaching and instructing the game of baseball, exhibiting all manners of good sportsmanship and fostering fun & fair competition. They are expected to assist the head coach in implementing the practice plan, help instruct fundamentals of the game, help evaluate player skills, and help guide the development of the players. Assistant coaches are asked to attend games and practices and assist in any way possible, ranging from individual instruction, gathering equipment, keeping players engaged, and contributing to the instruction of the game. Assistant coaches have a wide range of responsibilities based upon head coach and other parent volunteers. Time commitments can range slightly, but ~ 8 to 12 hours of time per week is typical throughout the season.

Field Maintenance:

At the beginning of every season the league puts on a few clean up and field preparation events. The league supplies a majority of the equipment (rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, etc.…) but look for volunteers to use them. We need help getting rid of the wear and tear of the winter, digging out weeds, replacing dirt, cleaning out fence lines, and getting the fields back into shape. Field Maintenance days typically last only 4 hours and the work can be accomplished even faster with additional volunteers. Throughout the season we regularly need some additional help just keeping the fields up, cleaned, and manicured. If we had a few hours a week of a designated team of volunteers willing to patch holes, drag rocks off the field, ensure chalk and supplies are maintained, and generally keep the fields looking playable it would be a wonderful thing for the community.

All Star/ Honors/ Season Ending Tournaments:

Every year Wilsonville Little League sponsors a tournament style event in our community to reward and challenge those players that can't get enough baseball. This event brings in local (and sometimes distant) teams to play baseball against the best in the community. We need volunteers to help make this 2 week tournament a success. Our goal is to make sure the community of Wilsonville shines by hosting a top notch event. We need volunteers to help our All Star Coordinator plan and streamline the event. We need help preparing the fields, working scoreboards and announcing players. We need help ensuring teams are in the proper places and all amenities that we come to expect of a world class little league event are available. We need as much time as possible from a team of volunteers willing to donate their evenings and weekends during two short weeks during the summer months. We typically utilize a Sign Up tool and ask for volunteers in various 4 to 8 hours shifts during these two weeks in the summer.

Game day Scorekeepers & Announcers:

During the regular season and then again during the All Star/ Honors season we need parents and community members that are willing to help us keep score and maintain records of our baseball games. The nature of this is capture information related to a player's progress and to keep track of their baseball success. We ask parents that are watching the game to take a few extra minutes during the game to maintain an 'official' scoring record of the plays, hits, strikeouts, etc. to allow coaches to develop statistics for their team to develop specific practice plans for their players. This additionally will allow the league a mechanism to make sure pitch counts are being properly utilized and young arms are being tended to appropriately. This time commitment is simply the length of a baseball game and if you're watching your child play anyways, it doesn't take any additional time: however it is a huge help to the league and team you're supporting.


Umpiring allows for a highly flexible schedule. Umpires have to be neutral, responsible stewards of the game. In order to umpire you'll need to participate in the training curriculum and be certified, but you have the ability to additionally earn some money in return for your time. Wilsonville Little League will host and pay for the certification training regimen and simply requires your time to complete the program (~11 hours of training over 4 separate classes/ ½ day seminar).  While this is considered a volunteer opportunity it is additionally one of the only opportunities that comes with compensation. If you're willing to complete the training and commit a few hours a week, you can easily make a few hundred dollars throughout the season, depending on your own schedule and desire.

Other Opportunities:

Throughout the season there are countless other opportunities that we seek out support for. Things like the Annual Challenger event, Poker Tournaments, Fundraising events, etc. are always available and in need of motivated community members willing to donate their time.


Wilsonville Little League
29030 SW Town Center Loop E, Suite 202 PMB 172
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070

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