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Little League

Wilsonville Little League

Wilsonville LL - LOCAL RULES (rev 2/24)

Section 1. Rules Governing All Baseball Divisions

1.1. The most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations" published by Little League Baseball is the governing rule set for all Wilsonville Little League play. Additional baseball "Local Rules" will be submitted each year to the Board of Directors ("Board") by the Wilsonville Little League Local Rules Committee chaired by the President of Baseball.

1.2. Only "Local Rules" submitted and approved by the Board of Directors will be used during all league play. Local rules not approved by the Board are therefore not sanctioned and will not be enforceable in league play. A local rule may provide additional detail to an existing Little League rule where allowed by Little League. However, in no case shall a local rule conflict with - the most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations".

1.3. All Players must be registered with the Player Agentof the level the player is participating in prior to participation in any sanctioned event in order to ensure that the Player is covered under the League insurance policy.

1.4. All Players, Parents, Volunteers, Managers and Coaches must sign the Wilsonville Little League Code of Conduct prior to the first game of each season. Failure to sign the form will result in the Player or participant not being able to participate in league events. The responsible Manager shall send the Code of Conduct forms to the Player Agent of the division. The Player Agent will maintain Code of Conduct forms for the duration of the season. The League President shall maintain documentation of any detrimental conduct. Violations of the code will be handled by a Discipline Committee composed of the President, Vice President, and Player Agent of that level of play.. If there is a conflict of interest in the Discipline Committee, another WLL board member will stand in as appointed by the President or Vice President. The decisions of the Discipline Committee shall be final and will be determined within one (1) week of the conduct violation hearing.

1.5. Any Player who is missing from organized team activities for more than five (5) continuous days or two (2) consecutive game days, whichever is earlier, is subject to being removed from his/her team by action of the Board. However, the Board reserves the right to allow a Player to remain on the roster pending a determination of the circumstances surrounding the absence of the Player. The Manager shall inform the Player Agent of the level of play by the next day, if any Player misses more than five (5) days or two (2) consecutive games for any reason. Failure by the Manager to notify the Player Agent within the time limit will be cause for action against the Manager by the Board.

1.6. When a Player misses more than five (5) continuous days of participation for an illness or injury, a physician or other accredited medical provider must give written permission for a return to full baseball activity (Rule III (d) 2). The Manager is required to forward a copy of this written permission to the Player Agent of that level of play within twenty-four (24) hours of the Player returning to the team.

1.7. The Manager must notify the opposing Manager prior to the start of the game if a player on the team's official roster will not/cannot play in the game and state the reason why the player cannot play.

1.8. Any Manager, Coach, Player or Parent who is ejected from a game will be immediately suspended from participation in any Wilsonville Little League game or event, until the Board Discipline Committee (President, Vice President, and Player Agent of that level of play) can meet. Umpires have the discretion to eject Managers, Coaches, and Players..  In the event of an unruly parent, umpires have the discretion to suspend the game until the Board member on site addresses the parent/parents.  Umpires can suspend the game indefinitely, and it will be up to the board how and when the game resumes from the point of suspension if not swiftly resolved. Game forfeiture is possible.

1.9. All Managers and Coaches must have an approved "Little League® Volunteer Application", and the most recently published Wilsonville Little League Code of Conduct Agreement signed and on file with the Player Agent.

1.10. Manager "Option" Players (Limited to Manager sons/daughters) shall be designated and announced to all teams prior to the league draft. Players designated as "Managers Option" will be slotted in a draft position based on the average rankings of the head coaches evaluating during tryouts.

1.11. Parents may designate their child as a "Parent Option" to limit their child to no higher than a specific division. (Typically Minors A/AA/AAA) This request must be made in writing to the Player Agent of that level of play prior to the annual Draft and announced to all teams during the tryouts.

1.12. Any eligible Player in the Minors A/AA/AAA divisions may be called up during the season as a replacement Player to the division above or MajorsDivision. Any eligible Player is defined as a Player who meets Regulations III (c) and all sections of Regulation IV of the most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations" and has not been designated as an "Option" Player (Manager, Coaches, or Parent. See Rules 1.10 and 1.11 above). Priority is determined by Managers at the end of the draft. Managers will rank the remaining players eligible at that age division. Players will be asked in that predetermined order.

1.13. Managers must notify the Player Agent of that playing level (email, phone or in person) by the next day after losing a current roster Player(s) for the current season due to illness, injury, change of address or other justifiable reasons (Subject to Board approval). The playing ability of the child must not be considered a justifiable reason for replacement. The Player Agent of that division will then have thirty-six (36) hours after learning of this loss to offer a roster spot to the eligible players in the order determined in.

1.14. Within seven (7) days of drafted teams being announced, the Player Agent of the division and the President may determine to re-draft in the event the number- of rostered players falls to ten (10) or below or in a case where it is determined there is a significant imbalance in rosters.

1.15. Any Player who declines to move up to the team in the higher division shall forfeit further eligibility in the higher division for the remainder of the current season.

1.16. All team rosters will be "frozen" during the last two (2) weeks of the season. The last two weeks of the season are defined as 14 days prior to the last scheduled Majors regular season game. For example, if the last regular season game(s) are scheduled on Saturday May 30th, then all team rosters (Majors and Minors) will be frozen as of 12:01 AM May 16th. No Player in any division may be added to a team roster after this time. Maximum roster size is 13 players. Within two weeks of first games, rosters must be "full" with a minimum number of players deemed acceptable by the Player Agent of the division and President. After that date, coaches may choose to add a player to reach 12 if injury, illness, change of address or other justifiable reason occurs to reduce roster size to 11. All coaches must add a player before rosters are frozen if roster size reaches ten (10).

1.17. WLL requires that all participants and spectators observe the "30/30 rule" in regards to lightning during a game or practice. If lightning is seen and thunder is heard within 30 seconds, then the game must be suspended immediately and all participants must seek appropriate shelter (not under trees) until such time as no strikes are observed with thunder within 30 seconds and for a period of 30 minutes. No one should be allowed back onto the field until this time has expired. During the game the umpire is in charge of the game and should suspend the match. Managers and Coaches are also responsible to exercise proper judgment. If the umpire(s) fails to observe the above 30/30 rule, the Managers must suspend the game/practice immediately. Failure to stop the game or practice under these conditions can result in suspension for both Managers by the League Discipline Committee. There will be no sanction against any Manager or penalties incurred by the team for removing his/her team from the field during this situation.


Section 2. Rules Governing the Junior Baseball Division

2.1. The "10 Run Rule" (Rule 4.10 (e)) shall apply in all Junior division games. If the "10 Run Rule" is invoked during a game, minimum playtime will be governed the most current “Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations."

2.2. Minimum play time will follow Junior Division “tournament rules” as outlined in the most current “Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations.”  

2.3. Managers will present their line-up to the opposing Manager and Umpire prior to the start of the game. The batting order will be made up of ALL roster Players present at each game. The most current “Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations" govern regulations for ejected Players.

2.4. The rules governing rainouts in the Junior division are defined by the Rules of the most current “Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations.” Reschedule games must be coordinated with the Player Agent of Juniors for field availability.

2.5. A maximum of one (1) Manager and two (2) Coaches approved by the Board are permitted in the bench/dugout area. ALL Players must remain in the bench area except when playing in the field. For all divisions, at least one (1) league approved Coach or Manager must remain in the bench area while the game is being played. For those fields that do not include an enclosed dugout/bench, the bench/dugout area is defined to be a six (6) foot area surrounding the team bench in all directions.

2.6. During the regular season, no full inning may start after 2 ½ hours of play. The umpire will officially notify the teams of the declared last inning of play. For the last inning of each game, play shall continue until the team in the field records three (3) outs. The umpire will notify the home team scorekeeper of the official start time of the game and ensure the time is recorded in the official scorebook. The recorded time shall be used to determine the 2 ½ hour time limit. If a game ends in a tie at the end of the scheduled time, it will remain in a tie. During interleague play, If not already clearly determined, any local rule time limits clarifications will be agreed upon at the time of presenting line-up cards to the umpire.


Section 3. Rules Governing the Intermediate Baseball Division

3.1. Free substitutions are allowed for defensive positions, except for the pitcher.

3.2. The minimum playing time for all Players will be three (3) defensive innings. Each team will bat the roster for intra-league play.

3.3 If a player does not meet minimum play time during a game due to coach-initiated disciplinary reasons the Player Agent of that division shall be notified within 24 hours. The reason for the disciplinary action and the circumstances will be provided to the Player Agent who will document the incident via email.

3.4. Managers will present their line-up to the opposing Manager and Umpire prior to the start of the game. The batting order will be made up of ALL roster Players present at each game. The batting order established at the start of each game cannot be changed except to add Players at the end of the batting order. This may be done only if these Players arrive after the batting order is submitted to the Umpire. If Players currently in the batting order leave the game, that Player(s) turn at bat may be skipped with no penalty to the offensive team if the reasons and intentions are communicated to and accepted by the Umpire and opposing Manager. If that Player returns, he/she may only return to the batting order in the same position as they originally occupied. The most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations" govern regulations for ejected Players.

3.5. The rules governing rainouts in the Intermediate division are defined by the Rules of the most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations". Rescheduled games must be coordinated with the Player Agent of Intermediate and the Field Scheduling Coordinator for field availability.

3.6. A maximum of one (1) Manager and two (2) Coaches approved by the Board are permitted in the bench/dugout area. ALL Players must remain in the bench area except when playing in the field. For all divisions, at least one (1) league approved Coach or Manager must remain in the bench area while the game is being played. For those fields that do not include an enclosed dugout/bench, the bench/dugout area is defined to be a six (6) foot area surrounding the team bench in all directions.

3.7. During the regular season, no full inning may start after 2 ½ hours of play. The umpire will officially notify the teams of the declared last inning of play. For the last inning of each game, play shall continue until the team in the field records three (3) outs. The umpire will notify the home team scorekeeper of the official start time of the game and ensure the time is recorded in the official scorebook. The recorded time shall be used to determine the 2 ½ hour time limit. If a game ends in a tie at the end of the scheduled time, it will remain in a tie.

3.8. No game protests will be accepted or reviewed by the league in the Intermediate division. Managers and Umpires involved in the game must seek resolution of the protest issue, prior to the next pitch.

3.9  Registration numbers will dictate the number of Intermediate teams drafted and/or roster size(s).  NOT all players registered for Intermediate baseball are guaranteed a spot. The league would like to have all interested players participate, but must also maintain manageable roster size(s).


Section 4. Rules Governing the Majors Baseball Division

4.1. Free substitutions are allowed for defensive positions, except for the pitcher. Wilsonville Little League minimum play time must still be met.  The Pitcher and Catcher positions are considered infield positions for the purpose of minimum play time. 

4.2 Minimum play time for all Majors players includes one inning in the infield. All players will play a minimum of four (4) innings in a six (6) inning game. If a player does not play in the infield in the event of an early game stoppage (for time, weather, or 10 run rule), that player must play in the infield in the first inning of the next scheduled game.  In the event a player is deemed a safety risk to play in the infield, the Manager must notify the Player Agent of that division and parents of that player must be notified of the risk before being excluded from playing an infield position during the game.

4.3 If a player does not meet minimum play time during a game due to coach-initiated disciplinary reasons the Player Agent of that division shall be notified within 24 hours. The reason for the disciplinary action and the circumstances will be provided to the Player Agent who will document the incident via email.

4.4. Managers will present their line-up to the opposing Manager and Umpire prior to the start of the game. The batting order will be made up of ALL roster Players present at each game. The batting order established at the start of each game cannot be changed except to add Players at the end of the batting order. This may be done only if these Players arrive after the batting order is submitted to the Umpire. If Players currently in the batting order leave the game, that Player(s) turn at bat may be skipped with no penalty to the offensive team if the reasons and intentions are communicated to and accepted by the Umpire and opposing Manager. If that Player returns, he/she may only return to the batting order in the same position as they originally occupied. The most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations" govern regulations for ejected Players.

4.5. The rules governing rainouts in the Majors division are defined by Rule 3.10 (a) & (b) of the most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations". Rescheduled games must be coordinated with the Player Agent of Majors and the Field Scheduling Coordinator for field availability. Make up games not scheduled with the Player Agent of Majors and the Field Scheduling Coordinator will not take precedence over any other (like or lower division game or practice) scheduled team event on the Master Schedule.

4.6. A maximum of one (1) Manager and two (2) Coaches approved by the Board are permitted in the bench/dugout area. ALL Players must remain in the bench area except when playing in the field. For all divisions, at least one (1) league approved Coach or Manager must remain in the bench area while the game is being played. For those fields that do not include an enclosed dugout/bench, the bench/dugout area is defined to be a six (6) foot area surrounding the team bench in all directions.

4.7. During the regular season, Monday - Thursday games may not start a new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes of play, two hours for weekend games (Friday - Sunday). All regular season games have a hard stop at 2 hours and 30 minutes. Interlock games will be determined by agreements with interlock leagues. The umpire will officially notify the teams of the declared last inning of play. For the last inning of each game, play shall continue until the team in the field records three (3) outs. The umpire will notify the home team scorekeeper of the official start time of the game and ensure the time is recorded in the official scorebook. The recorded time shall be used to determine the time limit. If a game ends in a tie at the end of the scheduled time, it will remain in a tie. If a hard stop is reached for time, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.  Note: During the Majors playoffs there will not be any time limit imposed.

4.8. No game protests will be accepted or reviewed by the league in the Majors division. Managers and Umpires involved in the game must seek resolution of the protest issue, prior to the next pitch.


Section 5. Rules Governing the Minors AAA Baseball Division

5.1. Free substitutions are allowed for defensive positions. Wilsonville Little League minimum play time must still be met.

5.2 The Pitcher and Catcher positions are considered infield positions for the purpose of minimum play time. Minimum play time for Minors AAA is one inning in the infield and one inning in the outfield. All players will play a minimum of four (4) innings in a six (6) inning game. If a player does not play in the infield in the event of an early game stoppage (for time, weather, or 10 run rule), that player must play in the infield in the first inning of the next scheduled game.  In the event a player is deemed a safety risk to play in the infield, the Manager must notify the Player Agent of that division and parents of that player must be notified of the risk before being excluded from playing an infield position during the game.

5.3 If a player does not meet minimum play time during a game due to coach-initiated disciplinary reasons the Player Agent of that division shall be notified within 24 hours. The reason for the disciplinary action and the circumstances will be provided to the Player Agent who will document the incident via email.

5.4. Managers will present their line-up to the opposing Manager and Umpire prior to the start of the game. The batting order will be made up of ALL roster Players present at each game. The batting order established at the start of each game cannot be changed except to add Players at the end of the batting order. This may be done only if these Players arrive after the batting order is submitted to the Umpire. If Players currently in the batting order leave the game, that Player(s) turn at bat may be skipped with no penalty to the offensive team if the reasons and intentions are communicated to and accepted by the Umpire and opposing Manager. If that Player returns, he/she may only return to the batting order in the same position as they originally occupied. The most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations" govern regulations for ejected Players.

5.5. During the regular season, Monday - Thursday games may not start a new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes of play, two hours for weekend games (Friday - Sunday).  Weekday games shall have a hard stop at 2 hours and 15 minutes. Weekend games shall have a hard stop at 2 hours and 30 minutes. Interlock games will be determined by agreements with interlock leagues. The umpire will officially notify the teams of the declared last inning of play. For the last inning of each game, play shall continue until the team in the field records three (3) outs. The umpire will notify the home team scorekeeper of the official start time of the game and ensure the time is recorded in the official scorebook. The recorded time shall be used to determine the time limit. If a game ends in a tie at the end of the scheduled time, it will remain in a tie. If a hard stop is reached for time, the score shall revert to the last completed inning.  Note: During the Minors playoffs there will not be any time limit imposed.

5.6. Teams will change sides immediately after the batting team has reached five (5) runs or three (3) outs. There will be no restriction on the number of runs a team may score in the 6th inning of each game.

5.7. No game protests will be accepted or reviewed by the league in the Minors division. Managers and Umpires involved in the game must seek resolution of the protest issue, prior to the next pitch.

5.8. The rules governing rainouts in the Minors division are defined by Rule 3.10 (a) & (b) of the most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations". Reschedule games must be coordinated with the Player Agent of Minors and the Field Scheduling Coordinator. Make up games not scheduled with the Player Agent of Minors and the Field Scheduling Coordinator will not take precedence over any other (like or lower division game or practice) scheduled team event on the Master Schedule.

5.9. A maximum of one (1) Manager and three (3) Coaches approved by the Board are permitted in the bench/dugout area. ALL Players and Coaches must remain in the bench area except when playing/coaching in the field. For all divisions, at least one (1) league approved Coach or Manager must remain in the bench area while the game is being played. For those fields that do not include an enclosed dugout/bench, the bench/dugout area is defined to be a six (6) foot area surrounding the team bench in all directions.


Section 6. Rules Governing the Minors AA Baseball Division

6.1. Free substitutions are allowed for defensive positions. Wilsonville Little League minimum play time must still be met.

6.2. No Player will sit out more than one (1) consecutive inning except for Players injured or benched for disciplinary reasons. All players will play for a minimum of four (4) defensive innings including a minimum of one inning in both the infield and outfield. No player may play the same position for more than 2 innings.

6.3. If a player does not meet minimum play time during a game due to coach-initiated disciplinary reasons the Player Agent of that division shall be notified within 24 hours. The reason for the disciplinary action and the circumstances will be provided to the Player Agent who will document the incident via email.

6.4. Managers will present their line-up to the opposing Manager prior to the start of the game. The batting order will be made up of all the Players on the team roster. Teams will "bat the roster" during each game. The batting order established at the start of each game cannot be changed except to add Players at the end of the batting order. This may be done only if these Players arrive late to the game. If a Player currently in the batting order leaves the game, that Player(s) turn at bat maybe skipped with no penalty to the offensive team if the reasons and intentions are communicated to and accepted by the opposing Manager. If that Player returns, he/she may only return to the batting order in the same position as they originally occupied.

6.5. No new inning may start after 1.5 hours of play. All games shall have a hard stop at 1:45 (one hour and forty-five minutes). In the event of a hard stop, the final score will revert to the results of the last fully completed inning. The designated Umpire will officially notify the teams of the last inning of play. The five (5) run limit shall not be used for the last inning of each game and play shall continue until the team in the field records three (3) outs or ten (10) runs whichever occurs first. If a game ends in a tie at the end of the scheduled time, it will remain in a tie.

6.6. A maximum of one (1) Manager and three (3) Coaches approved by the Board are permitted in the bench/dugout area. ALL Managers and Coaches MUST complete a Little League Volunteer Application. ALL Players must remain in the bench area except when playing in the field. For all divisions, at least one (1) league approved Coach or Manager must remain in the bench area while the game is being played. For those fields that do not include an enclosed dugout/bench, the bench/dugout area is defined to be a six (6) foot area surrounding the team bench in all directions.

6.7. Managers may designate a league approved Coaches to be on the playing field in order to provide instruction while his/her team is on defense. This designated coach must remain in the short outfield area behind first and third base.

6.8. Teams will change sides immediately after the batting team has reached five (5) runs. For the last inning of each game, there will be a ten (10) run restriction on the number of runs a team may score.

6.9. The "10 Run Rule" (Rule 4.10 (e)) shall not apply to Minors AA division games.

6.10. A maximum of nine (9) Players (including the Pitcher) shall be on the playing field during the team's defensive half of the inning. At least three (3) Players must remain behind edge of the outfield grass at the time of the pitch.

6.11. Free substitutions are allowed for all defensive positions.

6.12. The pitching distance for "Player pitching" will be from the regulation mound, forty (40) feet.

6.13. Pitch counts shall follow the counts listed in Local Rules 10.3 and 10.4. Players under 7 years old will follow the 7-8 year old pitch count rules.

6.14. No game protests will be accepted or reviewed by the league in the Minors AA division. Managers and Umpires involved in the game must seek resolution of the protest issue, prior to the next pitch.

6.15. The Infield Fly Rule will not be used in Minors AA.

6.16. The Managers will mutually agree to call the game due to weather or field conditions. Reschedule games are at the discretion of each Manager and must be coordinated with the Player Agent of the division and the Field Scheduling Coordinator for field availability. Makeup games not scheduled with the Player Agent of the division and the Field Scheduling Coordinator will not take precedence over any other (like or lower division game or practice) scheduled team event on the Master Schedule.


Section 7. Rules Governing the Minors A Baseball Division

7.1. Free substitutions are allowed for defensive positions. Wilsonville Little League minimum play time must still be met.

7.2. No Player will sit out more than one (1) consecutive inning except for Players injured or benched for disciplinary reasons. All players must play at least two (2) innings in the infield and one (1) inning in the outfield. No player may play the same position for more than 2 innings.

7.3. Players may have playing time below the minimum due to disciplinary reasons. If a player does not complete three innings of play in a game due to discipline, the Player Agent of the division must be notified within 24 hours and provide a reason and the circumstances of the discipline.

7.4. A maximum of one (1) Manager and three (3) Coaches approved by the Board are permitted in the bench/dugout area. ALL Managers and Coaches MUST complete a Little League Volunteer Application. ALL Players must remain in the bench area except when playing in the field. For all divisions, at least one (1) league approved Coach or Manager must remain in the bench area while the game is being played. For those fields that do not include an enclosed dugout/bench, the bench/dugout area is defined to be a six (6) foot area surrounding the team bench in all directions.

7.5. Each team will designate a Manager/Coach to pitch and umpire during their team's offensive play. The designated umpire may ask base coaches for assistance in making a call. The designated Manager/Coach must be knowledgeable about all applicable Little League and Wilsonville Little League Local Rules. The team Managers and Coaches will meet with the designated adult prior to the start of the game to review the ground rules for the playing area. (i.e. Out of play areas).

7.6. Games will be up to six (6) innings. No new innings will be started after 1 hour and 15 minutes. There will be a hard stop at 1 hour and 30 minutes.

7.7. Each inning will consist of three outs or four runs scored.

7.8. A maximum of ten (10) Players shall be on the playing field during the team's defensive half of the inning. The pitcher will play behind and to the side of the designated Manager/Coach pitcher. Other infielders will play in traditional positions and no more than three feet in from the baselines. Outfielders must remain on the grass before the ball is hit. The catcher position will be considered the lowest priority and is not necessary at the Minors A Division.  Four outfielders are permitted at the Minors A Division..

7.9. Only league approved Managers or Coaches are permitted to pitch to their own Players during the game. Generally, the Coach should pitch from a knee. Before pitching the ball to the first batter in each inning, the Manager/Coach will ensure that all the Players in the field are ready to begin play. If a pitch thrown by the pitching Manager/Coach strikes a batter, the Player will not be awarded first base and any runners shall not advance. If a player cannot continue the at-bat after being struck no out will be recorded and the next player on the roster will bat with a fresh strike count.

7.10. The pitching Manager/Coach may position themselves as necessary to be able to throw accurate pitches. The pitching Manager/Coach shall deliver four strikes, either swinging or thrown in the strike zone, to the batter. There are no walks.

7.11. Bunting is not allowed. A bunt will result in a dead ball and a strike will be added to the count.

7.12. For the first six weeks of the season, runners may not advance on overthrows. Beginning in the seventh week, runners may advance one base on an overthrow.

7.13. Runners may not steal a base.

7.14. The designated umpire shall have discretion to call time upon completion of a play, determine when a ball is considered out of play and suspend play due to Player injury. Umpires shall make all calls including foul and "dead" balls loudly enough to be heard by all the Players and Coaches on the field.

7.15. The Infield Fly Rule will not be used.

7.16. The Ten (10) Run Rule will not be used.

7.17. A maximum of two (2) league approved defensive Coaches may be on the playing field in order to provide instruction while his/her team is on defense.7.16. No official or unofficial score is maintained in this division.

7.18. The Managers will mutually agree to call the game due to weather or field conditions. Reschedule games are at the discretion of both Manager and must be coordinated with the Field Coordinator for field availability. Make up games not scheduled with the Field Coordinator will not take precedence over any other (like or lower division game or practice) scheduled team event on the Master Schedule.

7.19 Minors A will use Reduced Injury Factor (RIF) baseballs for all practice and game play.


Section 8. Rules Governing the T-Ball Division

8.1. T-Ball Division will use Reduced Injury Factor (RIF) baseballs (Tball style) for all practice and game play.

8.2. Games will be three (3) innings or 1 hour. No full inning may start after 1 hour of play.

8.3. Each inning, teams will bat ALL players on the roster regardless of total runs scored or number of outs made by the defense. Players who arrive late to the game must be inserted at the end of the batting order. Players who are "out" will return to their dugouts, however there is no 3 out rule to end an inning - the teams will bat through the rosters.

8.4. No Player will sit out except for Players injured or benched for disciplinary reasons.

8.5. Only league approved Managers or Coaches are permitted to place the ball on the batting tee during the game. Before placing the ball on the tee for each swing, the Manager/Coach will ensure that all the Players in the field are ready to begin play. Manager/Coaches are strongly encouraged to announce "ball in play" to all Players prior to allowing the batter to swing at the ball on the batting tee.

8.6. Managers shall have discretion to call time upon completion of a play, determine when a ball is considered out of play and suspend play due to Player injury. Managers shall make all calls including foul and "dead" balls loudly enough to be heard by all the Players and coaches on the field.

8.7. All Players may be on the playing field during the team's defensive inning. Defensive Players should not play the same position for more than two (2) innings.

8.8. All runners should advance only one base, except when the last batter in the lineup bats.  The last batter and all base runners will run all the bases.

8.9. Runners may not advance on an overthrow by a defensive Player.

8.10. Managers may designate a maximum of one (1) league-approved Manager and three (3) league-approved Coaches to be on the playing field in order to provide instruction while his/her team is on defense. These designated Coaches may position themselves as necessary for safety and instruction.

8.11. No official or unofficial score is maintained in this division.

8.12. The Managers will mutually agree to call the game due to weather or field conditions. Reschedule games are at the discretion of both Manager and must be coordinated with the Player Agent of T-Ball Division Coordinator and the Field Scheduling Coordinator for field availability. Make up games not scheduled with the Player Agent of T-Ball Division and the Field Scheduling Coordinator T-Ball League Coordinator will not take precedence over any other (like or lower division game or practice) scheduled team event on the Master Schedule.

8.13. T-Ball is a developmental division.  The purpose of this division is to teach very basic concepts and develop the players’ love of the game.  The rules supplied in this section may be reasonably modified (when agreed upon by both coaches) to accommodate for a better environment for those goals.  However, safety should always be the first consideration.


Section 9. Rules Governing the All-Star/Honors Tournament Team Selection

9.1. The Board will establish the criteria for the selection of Managers, Coaches and Players for postseason play. The Board shall approve all nominations of Managers, Coaches and Players for positions involving post-season play.

9.2 One Junior All-Star team will be selected by a discussion and vote of the Junior Managers. One Intermediate All-Star team will be selected by a discussion and vote of Intermediate Managers.

9.3. The top three (3) Players for the 11/12 ("Majors" All Star team will be selected based on a count of votes by the Players from the Majors division. The three (3) players receiving the most votes from their peers will be the first three (3) players selected to the Majors All Star team. Additionally, Majors Managers will discuss and vote to select the remaining nine (9) or ten (10) Players to fill out the Majors All Star Team roster. Players cannot vote for Players from their own team.

9.4. One 10/11-year-old All Star team may be selected by a vote of the Majors Managers after the Majors All Star Team is selected. Managers may not vote for Players from their own team. One 8/10 year old All Star team may be selected by discussion and vote of the Minors managers. Any 10 year old player that played Majors during the regular season but does not make the Majors All Star team is eligible to be voted onto the 8/10 All Star team by Minors managers.

9.5. One or two 11/12 Honors teams(s) may be selected by a vote of the Majors Managers after the 11/12 and 10/11 All Star Teams are selected. Managers may not vote for Players from their own team. One or two 8/10 Honors team may be selected by a vote of the Minors managers after the 8/10 year old All Star teams have been selected.

9.6. The 9/10 year old All-Stars and 9/10 year old Honors team(s) Players will be chosen by a vote of appropriate division Managers (Majors & Minors).

9.7. To be eligible for either the All Stars or Honors postseason selection, each Player and their parents must submit to the Player Agent by the designated deadline, their understanding of the postseason commitment and their intention to make themselves eligible for consideration by the Division Managers. In addition a Player must have satisfied all eligibility requirements defined in the most recently published "Baseball Little League Official Rules and Playing Regulations", and have met all local league financial registration requirements by the designated deadline.

9.8. Attendance of the All Star and Honors Section Meeting is limited to the following participants:

  • Managers of the appropriate division (Juniors, Intermediate, Majors & Minors AAA)

  • Secretary

  • Player Agent of Division

  • President

  • Vice President

9.9 All-Star and Honors Managers to be chosen by a vote of their peers. Any conflicts of interest to be handled as stated by the by-laws.


Section 10. Miscellaneous

10.1 Volunteer or paid umpires calling games at any level for Wilsonville Little League MUST be certified in order to work from behind the plate otherwise they must work from a position in the infield behind the pitcher.


10.2 Pitch Counts - Pitchers shall be limited to pitching counts by age as follows:




17-18 years


76+ pitches = 4 days rest
61-75 pitches = 3 days rest
46-60 pitches = 2 days rest
31-45 pitches = 1 day rest
1-30 pitches = 0 days rest

15-16 years


Same as above

13-14 years


66+ pitches = 4 days rest
51-65 pitches = 3 days rest
36-50 pitches = 2 days rest
21-35 pitches = 1 day rest
1-20 pitches = 0 days rest

11-12 years


Same as above

9-10 years


Same as above

7-8 years


Same as above


10.3. Pitchers shall be limited to 100 pitches in a rolling week. Managers must report pitch counts via "the pitch count log" within 24 hours of completion of their game.


Wilsonville Little League
29030 SW Town Center Loop E, Suite 202 PMB 172
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070

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